
This is where we will post details of projects that are being considered or currently underway. As always, if any of our members have comments, suggestions or requests please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

Sleaford Castle Project   Initial survey and investigatory work has already started on proposals to raise the profile of Sleaford’s Castle site, establish its history and to make better use of this important feature of the town’s heritage.

This five year project involves the Civic Trust, the Town Council, local schools,  historians and others in a collaborative effort that is expected to take 5 years. Initial funding of £10,000 has been secured for surveys and research.


Restoration of the Harry Gregson bench on Gregson Green in East Road.

Many people will remember Harry as an art teacher, family man and an active member of the Civic Trust.  In the 1990s, the Civic Trust commissioned this sculptured bench as a celebration of the work done by him, together with Les Gostick, in the saving of the River Slea and the development of Lollycocks Field as a nature reserve.  Harry would be proud to see the bench restored in front of the house where he lived, looking out over the beautiful wildlife and lake area that Lollycocks Field is today.


The Sleaford Bristol Water Fountain Project

The Civic trust is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a major grant of £34,000 towards the Sleaford Bristol Water Project. This is in addition to the £6,200 from local sources.In the 1830’s water was taken from the River Slea and in many cases was contaminated in resulting in early death.The Water Fountain was built to celebrate the Sixth Earl and Second Marquess of Bristol by his local tenants.

The RAF Centenary

The Civic Trust is contributing towards the RAF centenary celebrations with the award of a Heritage Plaque to RAF Digby and the proposed addition of RAF eagles to the Sleaford Town signs. The RAF Digby plaque was unveiled at the Centenary parade on 28th March. It is the first Heritage plaque to be awarded by the Civic Trust and will be followed in May with plaques for the Sleaford Heritage Trail.

The Heart of Sleaford Heritage Trail

This is the scheme with which we have brought to life Sleaford’s history. Eight buildings were chosen from a shortlist and plaques with both QR codes and NFC tags embedded within were designed, manufactured and attached to them. After scanning the code with a smartphone the user will download a short film made by our local production company with actors playing the parts of historical Sleafordians who were resident or working there, describing aspects of their lives and of Sleaford itself at that point in history.

The Les Gostick Memorial Statue

Nearly 2 years ago on the 11th October 2014, a living statue was seen on the streets of Sleaford. A collaboration between the Civic Trust and artsNK, this was a venture to seek publicity but also to gauge public opinion on the Les Gostick Statue. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the statue.

The Heart of Sleaford Masterplan

In April 2014 talks started between North Kesteven District Council, Sleaford Corn Exchange Ltd and Neighbouring owners to explore the possibility of integrating the development with Sleaford Masterplan proposals for creation of a pedestrian link between Market Place and Money’s Yard car parks