In April 2014 talks started between North Kesteven District Council, Sleaford Corn Exchange Ltd and Neighbouring owners to explore the possibility of integrating the development with Sleaford Masterplan proposals for creation of a pedestrian link between Market Place and Money’s Yard car parks. These plans are being developed as part of the HEART OF SLEAFORD project.
The Heart of Sleaford project has been formalised through the creation of The Heart of Sleaford Charitable Incorporated Organisation, supported by Sleaford Corn Exchange Ltd, North Kesteven District Council, Bristol Arcades Ltd and Lincolnshire Community Foundation. The new CIO has appointed architects and other professional advisers to investigate the possibility of linking the development to Money’s Yard with a new pedestrian bridge and of bringing the historic Buttermarket back into use as an enterprise centre. Also on the Agenda is restoration of a more modern structure to the rear of the site and its conversion for use as a community cinema. The vision is to create key attractor at the northern end of Southgate, linking Money’s Yard to Market Place to provide a new focal point at the heart of Sleaford. Subject to viability, the development will include a mix of potential uses ranging from restaurants and bars to the cinema, retail units, office space and residential.
The plan includes the regeneration and redevelopment of the derelict Grade 11 listed Corn Exchange site and buildings and refurbishment of the Bristol Arcade (formally the Bristol Hotel).