
Sat/Sun 21/22 December 2024




Re-opening of Sleaford Market Place after remodelling and refurbishment.


Saturday 21st December 2024




Sleaford Choral Christmas Concert at St Denys Church, 7.30pm with special guests, the William Alvey School Choir.
The ever-popular Christmas Concert returns this year on Saturday 21st December.
In the beautiful surroundings of St Denys Church, listen to both choirs sing seasonal songs old and new, with traditional carols which we encourage the audience to join us in singing.
Rowland Lee is the conductor and we are joined by accompanist on organ and piano, Rosemary Field.
Tickets available on the door, £10 (U16's free).  Tickets include a programme and a finger buffet at the interval.

Monday 8th December 2024




Unveiling of 3rd Civic Trust Blue Plaque at The Pines, Boston Road.
Former employees of Sharpes Seeds were invited to the unveiling of the blue plaque by Faith Hopkins, Secretary of Sleaford Civic Trust.  The Pines was built by nurseryman and seedsman John Sharpe around 1830, and was later occupied by his son, Charles Sharpe.  He founded one of the biggest seed companies in the UK, employing over 400 people in Sleaford at its height.  Charles Sharpe Seeds is thought to have invented the paper seed packets still popular in garden centres throughout the world today.
Former employees gather to see the unveiling of the plaque, some who had not seen each other for 30 years.


Sat 1st December 2024




Sleaford Annual Christmas Market was held with Christmas lights switch-on at 4.15pm in Riverside Shopping Centre.

Eastgate car park, Eastgate Green, Navigation Yard, Town Hall and Riverside Shopping Centre.  The variety of locations with so much entertainment and numerous events ongoing throughout the day made it one of the best Christmas Markets people could remember for many years.


Saturday 30th Nov 10am - 4pm


Sunday 1st December 11am -5pm




Tues, 26th November 2024




Sleaford Museum Local History Talks                        

Talks, Teas and Teasers 2 till 4pm

This popular event was held in St Denys’ Church Rooms, with refreshments and a raffle;  a charge of £3 for non-members and £1 for Museum members.  Click HERE if you wish to become a Museum trust member.

An afternoon of shared stories of the past presented by Museum staff, stretch your grey cells with history puzzles and questions, plus tea and cake!



Saturday 16th November 2024




Grand Re-opening of Monument Gardens and Sleaford Museum Open Day

On Saturday 16th November, the revamp of Monument Gardens will be formally re-opened and Sleaford Museum have an Open Day to celebrate the finish of the work.
The Museum has been painted and, with its attractive new signage, it is now much more visible within the spacious piazza area created.
The inside of the Museum is lovely too - new displays and cabinets, new merchandise.
Photographs from the day showing the newly refurbished and repainted historic town signs.  These were refurbished by Harriott Brand and founded by Sleaford Civic Trust.  Entertainment from the Clansmen and Sleaford Town Band.  Flagpole outside Sleaford Museum!
To see video of Clansmen 'in action', click IMG_0436


Tues, 24th September 2024




Sleaford Museum Local History Talks

‘Airborne Reconnaissance at Arnhem’ by Mark Bamford, Chairman of Sleaford Museum Trust (SMT).

The talk was held in St Denys’ Church Rooms, with refreshments and a raffle.  Click HERE if you wish to become a Museum trust member.


Sat 7th & 14th September 2024




Lincolnshire Heritage Open days

Heritage Open Days are your once-a-year chance to discover some of Lincolnshire's rarely seen historic treasures, with exciting experiences that bring local history and culture to life, for free! The festival celebrates England’s architecture and culture by allowing visitors free access to interesting properties that are not usually publicly accessible or would normally charge a fee. It also includes tours, events and activities that focus on and celebrate the local heritage of the area.

Civic Trust events:
This year in Sleaford, the Eastgate Almshouses Chapel was opened on September 7th from 1 - 4pm,  and there was a talk on the history of the influential and colourful Carre family of Sleaford by Dr Simon Pawley, leaving St Denys' Church at 2pm on September 14th.  Admission was free to both events and was very well attended.
For those wanting to know more about the fascinating Carre family, Simon together with fellow local historian Michael Turland have written an excellent book which is on sale at Sleaford Museum priced £8.50; 'The Carre's A Lincolnshire Dynasty'.
Sleaford Museum events:

On both Saturdays, there were organised 'Walks Down Memory Lane' leaving the Museum at 2pm lasting for 2hrs.  Participants joined Mark Bamford on a walk down memory lane along Eastgate and East Road, Sleaford: Landscape, buildings and people.


Wednesday 14 August 2024




The Civic Trust Summer Social  
The Sleaford Civic Trust Summer social was held at Sleaford New Life Church Hall.
The Society's first Blue Plaque was unveiled to commemorate Ward & Dale, the world's largest steam-powered agricultural contractors, by John Dale, great-grandson of the founder.  Their yard and workshops were located where the New Life Church is now situated on Mareham Lane.  Members of the Ward family were also present, together with John's wife and daughter.
This was followed by a light buffet for Civic Trust members and invited guests.
Later in the afternoon, the first of the bridge plaques was also unveiled by Dr Simon Pawley at the Nine Foot river bridge next to Riverside Church, in the centre of Sleaford.


Tuesday 30 July 2024





    'The Carre Family of Sleaford & Aswarby, 1500-1695'  presented by Dr Simon Pawley.

The talk begins at 7.30pm in St Denys' Church Rooms.  Refreshments are available and there is a raffle.

A charge is made of £3 for non-members and £1 for members of SMT.  To become a member, go to by clicking HERE

Tuesday 27 &28 July 2024




Heckington Show
Aswell as all the usual attractions,  Sleaford Castle Exhibition will be hosted in the NKDC gazebo, featuring much of the work done by SCHG over the last year.


Free Parking
Gates Open at 9am

Plus Saturday at 7pm Grand Firework Display & Open Air Concert

Tuesday 19 July 2024




Sleaford Market Place closes for parking whilst renovation work takes place.


Tuesday 28 May 2024




Dr Erik Grigg (History Lecturer, Bishop Grosseteste University Lincoln) presented  'Viking Lincolnshire' to an enthusiastic audience.
7.30pm in St Denys Church Rooms, off Market Place.
Sleaford Museum AGM for 2024 took place after the talk.


Friday 24th May 2024





Opens Friday 24th May in Navigation House, Sleaford and runs for a year.
Opening Hours:  Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 10am - 2pm.  Free to enter.
Visit Navigation House to explore the rich history of Sleaford Castle through the ages.  Built by a Norman bishop and visited by King John and King Henry VIII, this exhibition reveals the results of research by the Sleaford Castle Heritage Group (SCHG) as well as fascinating discoveries from the recent archaeological dig.


Wednesday 8th May, 2pm




Sleaford Civic Trust AGM for 2024 took place starting at 2pm followed by a talk from Dr Simon Pawley.



Tuesday 26th March 7.30pm





‘Lee & Green, A Remarkable Sleaford Firm’ by Jonathan Smith, Treasurer, SMT

A fascinating talk about the history and stories of this renowned local firm from its beginnings in the 1800's

All talks are presented in St Denys’ Church Rooms, off the Market Place in Sleaford.  

Talk starts at 7.30pm lasts approximately an hour.  Refreshments are available and there is a raffle.

£3 for non-members and £1 for members.  Click here to become a member.

Saturday February 17th 2024




CHARITY VALENTINE'S DINNER presented by the Mayor of Sleaford
Masonic Rooms, Watergate, Sleaford
With music from Miller Magic Big Band


Saturday December 16th




Sleaford Choral Christmas Concert, featuring the Bretherton Handbell Ringers, will begin in St Denys' Church at 7.30pm.
Includes a festive cantata, 'Christmas is Coming' (Seigmeister & Wheeler), and many other seasonal works, together with audience participation carols.  The Bretherton Handbell Ringers will also perform several pieces with the choir.  This is always a very popular event, please do come along and join us.
Tickets available on the door or from any Choral member, £10 includes a finger buffet at the interval and a programme.  Accompanied U16's, Free.
Wine and soft drinks are also available, not included in ticket price.


Sunday December 3rd




The exciting, festive Sleaford Christmas Market organised by Sleaford Town Council took place on Advent Sunday, 3rd December 2023, from 11.00am to 4.30pm. The event also incorporated the town's Christmas lights switch on ceremony at 4.15pm.

Sleaford Museum's Christmas window was unveiled on this day.  It will be open to view each day until Christmas Eve, even on days when the Museum is closed.

St Denys' Church in the Market Place also held their annual Christmas Service on the day, from 3.30pm to 4.00pm.



Saturday and Sunday December 2nd/3rd




Sleaford Methodist held its very popular Christmas Tree Festival on Sat and Sun, 2 and 3 Dec.


This event was as popular as ever and extremely well attended on both days, especially Sunday which coincided with the Christmas market. There were over 50 Christmas trees throughout the church and church hall on Northgate, provided and decorated by local groups, individuals and businesses.  It was free entry to look around, but donations go towards church funds  There was also a raffle, tombola, a cafe, plus jams and chutneys for sale.  The Sleaford Civic Trust tree was designed by Vice -Chair, Harriott Brand and is shown on the picture above.



Saturday December 2nd






It was great to see so many Civic Trust members at the Civic Trust 'Christmas Do' at St Denys' Parish Centre.  It was a very enjoyable afternoon with talks from David Marriage (Chair of Sleaford & District Civic Trust), Faith Hopkins (secretary) and Garry Titmuss (CT Committee member and Chair of Sleaford Castle Heritage Group).  All 3 talks brought members up to date on current and upcoming projects - The sale of the Cut, Blue Plaques on buildings in Sleaford celebrating past residents, and the improvements planned for the Castle Field site.  Food was excellent, as always (sincere thanks to the Catering Committee) - an enjoyable quiz and generous raffle completed the afternoon.

Sleaford Museum launched a new book on the same day - A Walk Down Memory Lane; Into Sleaford From the East.

Mark Bamford, Chair of SMT had copies available on the afternoon which many guests bought!  They are now on sale in Sleaford Museum.  The cost is £7.95.

The book is a recreation of one of Jeanne Furnival's 'A Walk Down Memory Lane' series which she wrote while in her 80's, recording her memories from her personal archive.  Jeanne was a well-known local historian and lifetime Sleaford resident (1924 -2016).  The books were never formally published, but were privately distributed.   Sleaford Museum has had single copies of these books donated and wish to bring them to a wider audience.  This first venture, 'Into Sleaford From the East' is in a more modern format, but it retains Jeanne's charming prose and original images.  Readers can accompany Jeanne as she leads them on their own walk down memory lane, revisiting the town as she would have seen it in April 2012, with personal reminiscences from her lifetime in Sleaford.

Tuesday 14th November 2023




'Talks, Teas and Teasers'  was presented by Mark Bamford and Sleaford Museum staff and held in in St Denys’ Church Rooms, off the Market Place in Sleaford.

It was a very enjoyable afternoon of heritage and history– a few short talks, some historical puzzles and quizzes, with tea and cake!  This was extremely well attended and enjoyed by the audience.



Thursday 9th November 2023




Sleaford Town Awards 2023
This year's Town Awards were held at the Town Hall on 9th November in front of invited guests.  The evening celebrated the remarkable people living, working and being educated in Sleaford.
Sleaford and District Civic Trust sponsored an award this year - the 'Carer of the Year' Award.  This was presented to Grace McAuley.  Many congratulations to Grace.


Tuesday 8th August 2023




2021 Civic Trust Awards
A plaque was awarded to the MosArt Group Mosaic panels in the entrance to Gladstone's Yard, which were funded by Sleaford Town Council.  This is an award to highlight the improvement and enhancement of this previously rather dull entrance way to the historic yard - the mosaic panels, completed in 2021, are a beautiful depiction of floral decoration, together with mosaic pictures of some of Sleaford's architectural and historic landmarks.


Sat & Sun 29 & 30 July 2023




Sat & Sun 29 & 30 July 2023   Heckington Show

Saturday                     9.00am – 10.30pm
Firework Concert     7.00pm – 10.30pm (main ring gate opens 6.45pm)
Sunday                        9.00am - 5.00pm
Note: Firework entrance is included in Saturday Tickets
Sleaford Civic Trust and Sleaford Museum will have co-located stalls in the Heritage Area.  Come and talk to the volunteers - find out the latest exciting news about the Sleaford Castle site and all other projects and ventures that both organisations are involved in - perhaps become a volunteer yourself?  We always welcome new members and volunteers.


Wed to Fri 19 - 21 July 2023




Archaeological dig at Sleaford Castle Field.

Sleaford Castle Heritage Group and Sleaford Town Council commissioned the dig - the first in 160 years at the castle site - by Archaeological Project Services (APS) of Heckington.  5 test trenches were dug (two in the area of the Tithe Barn, one at what was believed to be a 'dovecote', and two in the vicinity of the gatehouse/barbican.  Augering was carried out across the moat areas and fish pond.

The Bourne History Guy attended and created videos of the dig in action and discussions on finds with members of the archaeological team from APS.  Our thanks go to him for his work and generosity in posting them freely.

See the videos here  - click on these links:  PART 1   PART 2

Read the BBC Local radio article - click on this link HERE

Many visitors came along to the site to watch and talk to the archaeologists, including schoolchildren.


Saturday 24th June 2023



Sleaford Choral's Summer Concert,  'A Summer Medley'.
7.30pm in St Denys' Church.  Tickets on the door, £10, includes a finger buffet at interval.  U16's accompanied are free.


Saturday 3rd June 2023



Sleaford & District Model Railway Show at St George's Academy on Sat 3rd June, 10.00-16.00


Saturday 3rd June



Saturday 3 June 2023   Sleaford's 1940's Day at the William Alvey School, Eastgate, Sleaford, from 11.00am to 4.00pm

Both the Civic Trust & Sleaford Museum will have stalls at this event - come along and chat to the volunteers and hear about their work.  Both Sleaford Museum and Sleaford & District Civic Trust love to welcome new volunteers to be involved.

There will be so much to see and do on the day - live singing and entertainment, air raid shelter tours, Punch and Judy Shows, vintage vehicles, stalls, food and drink, bouncy castles and inflatables, hairstyling, vintage games, model vehicles and soldiers, face painting and loads more!  Sleaford Town Council press release


Tuesday 30th May 2023




Sleaford Museum's Local History talk:

‘The Lincolnshire Home Guard’ by Dr Erik Grigg of Bishop Grosseteste University, Lecturer in History.  Sleaford Museum Trust AGM was also be held on this evening.

The talk was held in St Denys Church Room, just off the Market Place, 7.30pm for an hour.  Refreshments are available and there is a raffle. £3 for non-members and £1 for members.  Click here to become a member.


Friday 12th May 2023, 2-4pm



Sleaford & District Civic Trust 50th Anniversary AGM for members was held in St Denys' Church Rooms with celebratory tea and cake.  There was also a very interesting talk from John Dale, a researcher from Sleaford Museum.



Now on sale



New book by Simon Pawley, ‘Mr Fawcett’s Potato Patch’, Carre Street and the Evolution of Sleaford 1780-1990.  £20 plus p&p.

Flyers available from Sleaford Museum, together with an inspection copy.  Copies can be ordered from the Museum which will save on p&p charges.

Sat, Dec 10th, 2022   7.30pm



7.30pm  Sleaford Choral Christmas Concert at St Denys’ Church, Sleaford starting at 7.30pm.  Click HERE for link to SCS website.

Sat, Dec 3rd, 2022



13.00 – 16.00  Civic Trust Christmas party at St Denys’ Church Rooms

Thank you to all members who attended the Christmas party, it was a very enjoyable event with a fantastic spread, great quiz and interesting talks – pictures below.  Hope to see you all there next year!



Sunday 27th November 2022



Sleaford Christmas Market 11am till 4.30pm     Christmas Lights switch on at 4.15pm

Sat 26th Nov 10am – 4pm & Sun 27th Nov 11am -5pm



20th Sleaford Methodist Church Christmas Tree Festival

Tuesday 22 Nov, 2022 2pm to 4pm.



Sleaford Museum Trust presents ‘Talks, Tea and Teasers.

Tues 18th October, 2022



14.00  Official Opening of the refurbished Memorial bench at Gregson Green on East Road, Sleaford.

The bench was re-opened on October 18th at 2pm with NKDC (Power Station Funding), the Press, Gregson family , Civic Trust representatives and William Alvey children.

For more information, please see The Restoration of the Harry Gregson bench on Gregson Green, East Road



Tuesday 27 Sept 2022



Sleaford Museum Trust Local History talks 

‘Water and Water Fountains’ was presented by David Marriage, Chair of Sleaford Civic Trust and Sleaford Museum Trust Committee Member.

St Denys’ Church Room at 7.30pm.  Members of Sleaford Museum Trust £1 and Non-members £3 (Click HERE for link to Sleaford Museum Trust website).

The 19th Century water fountain in Sleaford Market Square which has recently been brought back to life in an effort to reduce plastic waste.


10th&11th Sept and 17th&18th Sept 2022




The Sleaford Museum  was very successful in supporting the Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days.   This year, the Museum provided a series of free guided walks to support and celebrate the publication of the ‘Sleaford and the Villages Top Trump Cards’.

Participants took a free guided walk with Sleaford Museum staff on the two weekends of the festival.  Each walk lasted approximately 45 minutes, including 6 or 7 stops to coincide with the locations of each of the Top Trump Cards on the route. The most popular walk was the one which featured a visit to the Sleaford Castle site – this stimulated a great deal of interest.  It is hoped that this walk will be able to be repeated next year as part of a series of events to publicise the Castle site.  It is a stop on the Sleaford Heritage Trail .



9th – 18th September 2022




This year’s theme is Inside Out: Lincolnshire’s Landscape of Industry, Design and Innovation.  Pick up a free brochure at Sleaford Museum which lists all the free events for this year, or visit:

#LincsHODs   @HeritageLincs

Saturday 3rd September



So much to see and do in Sleaford on Saturday 3rd September!

Town Crier Competition and Farmer’s Market, Market Place     Street Food & Artisan Market, Millstream Square


Classic Car & Motorbike Show             Craft Market, Navigation House          Thank Folk Festival, The Ivy




Monday 4th July until 27th August



NKDC Lottery – Support Sleaford Civic Trust by buying your lottery tickets through our page CLICK HERE.

Extra chances to win! Win a £1000 Currys PC World voucher throughout July and August

Heckington Show, 30th & 31st July



Sleaford Civic Trust and Sleaford Museum hosted an exhibition giving the latest on Sleaford Castle with side-by-side gazebos in the Heritage area of the Heckington Show on both days. 

This was the 154th Heckington Show, which was back to its usual 2-day pattern – the largest village show in England.  It was billed as a true family day out – a quintessentially English Summer occasion for families and friends to enjoy.  The weather was kind and good crowds enjoyed both days.


Saturday 9th July at 11am at Sleaford Museum




The launch began at 11am on Saturday 9th July at the Museum (81, Southgate) and was opened by Mayor of Sleaford, Linda Edwards-Shea, with the Town Crier in attendance.  Packs of the newly created Top Trumps are now on sale from the Museum priced at £5 per pack, produced in conjunction with Sleaford Civic Trust and Heritage Lincolnshire.  They showcase heritage venues in Sleaford and surrounding villages.





Tuesday 5th July at 11am at Castle entrance, Castle Causeway in Sleaford



The newly designed sign for Castlefield was officially unveiled by Sleaford Town Mayor, Cllr Linda Edwards-Shea, together with the establishment of the Castle into the Sleaford Heritage Trail, on Tuesday 5th July 2022 at 1.30pm.



Monday 4th July until 27th August



NKDC Lottery – Support Sleaford Civic Trust by buying your lottery tickets through our page CLICK HERE.

Extra chances to win! Win a £1000 Currys PC World voucher throughout July and August


Friday 10th June 2022



Unveiling of HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh Memorial Bench at 11am.  

The memorial bench, purchased by the Town Council, has been positioned overlooking the River Slea and Eastgate Green, where HRH planted a tree on his visit to Sleaford in 1975.  The 10th June date was chosen as it would have been Prince Philip’s 101st birthday. The Sleaford Town Crier made his Cry and introduced the Mayor of Sleaford, Linda Edwards-Shea, who made a speech and cut the ribbons on the bench. They were joined by Sleaford Town Councillors and staff and members of the Royal Naval Association.

Following the unveiling of the bench, there was a short ceremony in the HMS Sheldrake Room in Sleaford Town Hall where a special book was presented to the Mayor by the Royal Naval Association.  The book was written by Mr Gerard Clarkin and is titled The Third Generation (And Perhaps Beyond).

Mr Clarkin was a Royal Naval Signalman and served aboard HMS Sheldrake in WW2; HMS Sheldrake is Sleaford’s adopted ship. In the book, Mr Clarkin dedicates a whole chapter to his service on the ship.  The book will now be kept on display in the HMS Sheldrake Room.


Saturday 4th June 2022



Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and Centenary of Sleaford War Memorial.

Both of these occasions occurred in the same weekend!  There were many events happening in Sleaford over the 4-day bank holiday to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee.

The centenary of the unveiling of the war memorial, which commemorates those who gave their lives during both world wars, was actually on this day.  Sleaford Museum has mounted a small exhibition to mark the centenary, and the next Local History Talk is specifically on this topic – Tuesday 26th July in St Denys’ Church Rooms at 7.30pm.  All are welcome.



TUESDAY 31st MAY, 7.30pm



Sleaford Museum Trust presented ‘The Mills of Sleaford’ by Dr Simon Pawley on TUESDAY 31st May 2022 at 7.30pm in St Denys’ Church Hall.

The talk was presented to a packed house and was very well-received, generating a great deal of interest and discussion.

It was followed by the Sleaford Museum Trust AGM for 2022,  AGM Report for 21-22 link below.

SMT Report 2022




MONDAY 23rd MAY, 7pm, Online



HERITAGE LINCOLNSHIRE ONLINE TALK (Part of Local and Community History Month)

‘THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SLEAFORD CASTLE’  Built some time in the mid 12th Century, Sleaford Castle stood witness to turbulent times in England for some 480 years.  Not much remains above ground, but a rich history lies beneath.  In this presentation, Mark Bamford told the story of the Castle and explained how some dedicated people in Sleaford are leading attempts to find out more.


FRIDAY 6th – SUN 22nd MAY 2022



‘Lawrence & The Mint’ – A pop-up exhibition, visually exploring T.E. Lawrence’s time at Cranwell.







Certified Accounts: CLICK HERE

The AGM was then followed by an excellent talk given by Simon Pawley entitled: ‘A little lane called Henne Lane: Jermyn Street, Sleaford’.


Wednesday 16th March

11am and 12noon


11am  Official opening of the Mosaics at the entrance to Gladstone Yard.


The mosaics, created by Sleaford-based art group MosArt, line the recently repainted entrance to the historic Gladstone Yard in Sleaford.  They capture a mix of landmarks that make up the town’s skyline, from St Denys’ Church and the Bass Maltings to the William Alvey primary school and the town’s marketplace.  They were officially opened by Mayor of Sleaford, Robert Oates.

Pauline Dobson, a member of the voluntary art collective, hopes they will help to brighten up this part of the town.

The mosaics were at first going to resemble a floral arrangement, a theme that is still present at the bottom of the designs. As work progressed, the team shifted their focus to Sleaford’s history with silhouettes of significant buildings in Sleaford along the central third of each panel, and then the top third showing the fantastic Lincolnshire sky from dawn ’til dusk.  The mix of landmarks are linked with entertainment, education and religion that represent the history of Sleaford.

12noon  Official opening of Sleaford Cemetery Arboretum


The Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Tony Brand, Nicola Marshall, Garry Titmuss, Christopher Clay (Arboricultural Technician NKDC) and members of the Cemetery grounds team are pictured at the official opening.

Sleaford Cemetery has recently gained international recognition and accreditation as an arboretum, from ArbNet.

New Cemetery Arboretum Guides are now available from the Town Hall, library and museum. They can also be viewed on the council’s website via the following link:   The guide gives a brief history of the cemetery and shows a map pointing out 37 specimens of different trees planted within the boundaries, leading visitors around a trail.  The tradition of planting specimen trees at the cemetery began with the first black pines in 1856 and is still continuing with the present day plantings by the Mayor’s Tree Fund. There will be guided tours each year. The guide has been put together by Coun Anthony Brand, his wife Harriott Brand, Evgeniya Righini-Brand and Deputy Clerk, Nicola Marshall. For examples of other guides to Sleaford Heritage Trail and Mosaic Trail, click HERE





Saturday December 4th


Civic Trust Christmas Social was held at the Church Rooms.  It was well attended and very much enjoyed by the members.  Thanks to everyone involved.



Week beginning November 22nd


2020 Civic Trust Awards Presentation were held on Tuesday 23rd Nov starting with the presentation of a Civic Trust Award Plaque to the Islamic Centre in Station Road.  Also, a Certificate of Commendation was awarded to Wilcox Homes for their Handley Street development.  Report and pictures to follow – please see Awards



Week beginning October 25th


The fencing surrounding the Millennium bench on Gregson Green was removed to reveal the beautiful restored bench.  For full story, see Projects.


   Before restoration                                                                    After restoration


Monday 27th September  William Alvey Gregson Day


         William Alvey School held ‘Gregson Day’

This was an opportunity for the children to learn more about Gregson Green and the reason why the Gregson bench was erected in the 1990’s.  A cowslip printing activity was staged with Y5 classes and special assemblies were held.

The Trust plans to work with the school children to design a flowerbed ready for them to plant cowslips later in October. The youngsters will also be shown how and why memorials have been designed and how they are built, as well as learning about fundraising and how to run a project.



Monday 13th Sept, Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th Sept 2021


William Alvey Air Raid Shelter officially opened to coincide with Free Heritage Open Days in September.




Sat/Sun 11th & 12th September and Sat/Sun 18th &19th Sept 2021


To coincide with free Heritage Open Days, at Sleaford Museum (Monument Gardens), Sleaford Civic Trust mounted a ‘pop-up’ exhibition featuring interpretation of the most recent research into the origins of Sleaford Castle, and ideas for development of the area to raise the profile of Sleaford’s Castle site.


Friday 20 August 2021


Sleaford & District Civic Trust AGM was held at  2pm in St Denys’ Church Rooms

To download Accounts of S&DCT for 2021 AGM, click here

Call back soon for updates on future events